The Chef Partnership

The Chef Partnership - Resources to improve Chef retention & happiness

The Chef Partnership is a team of internationally experienced HR and culinary professionals with Chef wellbeing at their heart.

They know happiness and motivation come hand in hand, and believe by looking after, and developing chefs results in the best food, the best brigades, and positive environment to grow.

The Chef Partnership

Their aim is to help their partners:

·       Offer more than a job to their employees  

·       Retain their best chefs

·       Ensure they support and understand the key issues facing chefs and restaurateurs in a modern brigade.

What do they offer?

·       Personal & Soft skill development programs

·       Bespoke development options - in house and online

·       Chef Partnership Mentor Qualification

·       Access to webinars & content specifically designed for chefs

·       "Chef in Distress” 24/7 wellbeing support helpline – Multilingual

·       2 days Bespoke consultancy service option

·       Join a community of likeminded individuals – with a partnership solution to match your brigade-size

·       Cooking School – team building via practical sessions

·       Help with attracting young chefs – with linkages to colleges and supporting with any Apprenticeship offers.

·       A practical reminder of your investment in your chefs & a “Chef Partnership Mark of Quality

The Chef Partnership is here to inspire chefs new and experienced, train and develop them to positively impact the industry, help young chefs network, raise the profile of hospitality, and put British cuisine back on the map!

If you would like to improve your retention, chef happiness and profitability at the same time, then get in touch:

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