About #FairKitchens

#FairKitchens is a movement fighting for a more resilient and sustainable foodservice and hospitality industry, calling for change by showing that a healthier culture makes for a healthier business. It strives to make the industry a fairer, more inclusive and happier place to be to keep the talent we have today and attract the talent we need for the future.

The movement was founded in 2018 amid growing awareness of the serious wellbeing issue at the heart of foodservice and hospitality. Research by Unilever Food Solutions in 2017 had uncovered that 74% of chefs were sleep deprived to the point of exhaustion, 63% of chefs felt depressed, and more than half felt pushed to breaking point. Believing that this industry will thrive only when the people who work in it thrive, Unilever Food Solutions as a key supplier to the foodservice industry came together with a group of chefs and partners including Naama Tamir, Michael Gulotta, Kat Kinsman, and John Vitale to initiate the #FairKitchens movement as founding partners.

3 years on, the movement has expanded globally and attracted the support of Chefs, Operators, Hospitality Businesses and Experts from all over the world. It opens a conversation around unhealthy working conditions, recognising the underlying issues and focusing on bringing  solutions. These solutions take the form of sharing success and challenges from operators around the world who lead Fair Kitchens, plus resources, training and tools from our partners.

Now more than ever, with this industry among the hardest hit by the current crisis, it’s important for us to stand together to move forward and bring about change for a sustainable future.

Let’s reflect on our values as people, companies and communities and create a healthy positive kitchen culture where no meal is coming at a cost to someone’s wellbeing.

How does #FairKitchens work ?

The #FairKitchens Code is the starting point of the movement. We have updated it to fit the reality we live in and emphasize the importance of creating a healthy kitchen culture based on open communication, passion, support and teamwork.

Let’s work as TEAMS. Let’s change the industry.

  • letter-t

    Talk openly

    About how you are all feeling.

  • letter-e

    Excite passion

    And remind yourself and others why you love what you do.

  • letter-a

    Act as one

    To support each other and stay connected.

  • letter-m

    Make time

    To do something you always wanted to do for yourself and for your community.

  • letter-s

    Say ‘Good job’

    For the small things.


The #FairKitchens code is supported by training videos, advice and tips by chefs for chefs, and short guides on topics including improving communication and supporting team members experiencing a personal crisis.

  1. Join the movement to access your starter kit today, including the #FairKitchens Code, advice to use the Code with your team and a #FairKitchens sticker
  2. Explore our website to find training, tips and guides to help you understand more about how chefs run a “Fair Kitchen” and discover how you could learn from them
  3. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook and share your experiences using #FairKitchens