Wherever you are in the world, there are organisations available to support you.
Centro de Asistencia al Suicida: call 135 (Buenos Aires) or (011) 5275 1135 (national)
Lifeline: call 13 11 14 or visit https://www.lifeline.org.au/
Suicide call back service: call 1300 659 467 or visit https://www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au
The Black Dog Institute for free resources for individuals and businesses https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/
Bittelebe: http://bittelebe.at/
Centre de Prévention du Suicide: 0800 32 123 or https://www.preventionsuicide.be/
Tele-onthaal: call 106 for someone to talk to 24/7
Zelfmoord 1813: call 1813 or visit https://www.zelfmoord1813.be/
Centro de Valorização da Vida (CVV): call 188, live chat or email https://www.cvv.org.br/
Safernet : https://www.helpline.org.br/helpline
In The Weeds. a group of passionate hospitality professionals who have experienced the challenges of the industry and want you to know that you are not alone.
Todo Mejora: https://todomejora.org/
Czech Republic
Befrienders: https://www.befrienders.org/
Suicide Ecoute: call 01 45 39 40 00 for 24/7 support or visit https://suicideecoute.pads.fr/contact
TelefonSeelsorge: call free on 0800/111 0 111 · 0800/111 0 222 · 116 123 or visit https://www.telefonseelsorge.de/
Hong Kong
The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong : call +852 2389-2222 or visit http://www.sbhk.org.hk
Suicide Prevention Services: call +852 2382-0000 or visit http://www.sps.org.hk
AASRA: call 91-9820466726 for 24/7 support (English and Hindi)
Sneha Suicide Prevention Centre: call 91-44-24640050 for 24/7 helpline
Pieta House: https://www.pieta.ie
Samaritans: call 116-123 (24/7, 365 days a year) or visit https://www.samaritans.org/samaritans-ireland/
Samaritans Onlus: call 800 860022 or 06 77208977 (from mobile) or visit http://www.samaritansonlus.org
Befrienders Malaysia: https://www.befrienders.org.my
Consejo Ciudadano: whatsapp 55 5533-5533 or visit consejociudadanomx.org
New Zealand
Lifeline: call 0800 543354 or text "HELP" to 4357
Mind Korrelatie: call 0900-1450 or visit https://mindkorrelatie.nl/
Preventielijn 113.nl: call 0900-0113 or visit https://www.113.nl/
Mental Helse Norge: call 116-123 or visit https://www.sidetmedord.no/
SOS Voz Amiga: call 213,544 545 - 912 802 669 - 963 524 660 or visit http://www.sosvozamiga.org
South Africa
The South Africa Depression and Anxiety Group: call 0800 323 323 / 0800 747 747 for 24/7 support or visit http://www.sadag.org/
LifeLine: call 0861 322 322 for free 24/7 support or visit https://www.lifelinesa.co.za
MIND: call 90101 or visit https://mind.se/
Helpline 143: https://www.143.ch
United Kingdom
Samaritans: call 116123 (free) or visit https://www.samaritans.org/
United States of America
National Suicide Prevention Hotline:
By calling 1-800-273-TALK (8255) you’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime 24/7.
Crisis Text Line: text 741-741 for free, confidential, 24/7 help.
Chefs with Issues