
free mental health Video series

Working in a kitchen can be tough, and pressure is always on. That's why it's all the more important to take care of your and your team's mental health. #FairKitchens and Unilever Food Solutions have partnered to develop an innovative video series highlighting the importance of mental health and guidance on how to take care of it. Watch the videos below and learn more about topics such as the importance of change, how to start a conversation and how to build a supportive kitchen environment.

Video JAN 13, 2020

Intro - why change is important

Watch this intro video to get an overview of the series and insights from Chef Gilles highlighting the importance of change.
Video JAN 13, 2020

How to spot the signs

It's sometimes hard to know when someone in your team is struggling. Find out how to spot the signs.
Video JAN 13, 2020

How to build a supportive kitchen environment

A kitchen thrives only when the people in it thrive. Watch this video for guidance on how to build a supportive, sustainable kitchen environment.
Video MAR 03, 2020

Taking care of yourself

Taking care of your team starts with taking care of yourself first. Hear from chefs and get inspired about what they are doing.
Video JAN 13, 2020

How to start the conversation

How do you reach out to a team member who needs help? Chefs share their insights on how to start a conversation.