Embracing Equity in the Kitchen: Insights From 7 Inspirational Women | FairKitchens

Embracing equity in the kitchen: Insights from 7 inspirational women

For International Woman’s Day and beyond, FairKitchens is fully embracing equity. We spoke to accomplished female chefs and leaders in the hospitality industry, from all over the globe, about their careers and how being a woman gives them a unique approach to their work. Let’s honour their achievements and inspire future generations of women by celebrating the impact they have.


Don’t let people or situations get in the way of your success

“Be yourself, be confident in that to guide you through. Because you are enough, you are amazing and you will be able to bring to the table a set of skills nobody else has. And that is resilience, compassion, drive and a thick skin that is just built into your personality.‘’

Kim-Maree Moore
Executive chef, OKO Rooftop and Cafe

Embrace your unique, female skills

“Learn to understand the incredible nourishment food can bring us. I’ve used this understanding in my career, by approaching my work through allowing my female energy to be present. This leadership style has nourished the ground I work in, both literally and metaphorically.”

Candice Adams
Academic Operations Manager, Capsicum Culinary Studio

Work in kitchens that teach you how to succeed

“To have a successful career you have to play the long game. There are many soul crushing bumps along the way, but they are all leading somewhere. And sometimes success is not what you originally thought it was going to be. When I was just starting out, I thought success was awards and recognition but what makes me feel successful now, is running a happy kitchen.” 

Amanda Cohen
James Beard-nominated chef and owner, Dirt Candy


Create your own opportunities 

“If I could advise my younger self, I would tell her to not try to fit the mould, keep speaking up for yourself and don't be shy asking for what you want. Also not to give up when she is in front of closed doors, find an open window or even better, build her own doors. I would also recommend she surround herself with individuals she can learn from and with whom she shares similar values."

Pauline Acheron-Pintureau
Owner and chef, Marie et Marcelle

Focus on what you want to achieve 

“Push yourself past your comfort zone. Keep listening, learning and growing. Believe it and strive for it, and don’t let anything stand in your way. Most of all, love what you do. Adversity will always exist, so I try to face it head-on and do something constructive with it. Though it has been challenging at times, it has made me stronger.”

Lindiwe Ndlovu
Sous chef, Singita

Fully support expectant and working mothers

‘’Employers have a duty to support working mothers. Not only accommodations for when the baby is born, but this also includes to modify or remove tasks that are dangerous or become unmanageable. Ensure that the entire team is behind the changes. And, above all, remember to check in on the mother’s mental health.‘’

Laura Christie
Co-owner, chef and working mother, Linden Stores


Break your limiting beliefs, so you can stand in your power

“I always like to challenge women to find out what is blocking them from standing in their full potential. It is crucial to identify your self-limiting beliefs, so you can work to overcome them.’’

Ankie Janssen
Co-owner, Mr. Sammi Bistro Bar & Brasserie Tante Tilly

As a women, you can offer unique perspectives and leadership styles, to create a better environment for your entire team and your business as a whole. In leadership roles,  you can start embracing equity in your kitchen today, by speaking to your staff about their goals, challenges and to help them accomplish 

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