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作出承诺 开启您的旅程,迈向(更)公平的厨房。注册以获得您的入门套件,并接收定期电子邮件,获取“以厨师的专业为厨师服务”的灵感、建议和心得。

Be part of the change and receive your free starter kit.

Take the first step in becoming a Fair Kitchen. 'An Hour for Us’ is the opportunity to kickstart the #FairKitchens movement in your operation. Pick an hour in the day, get together with your team, discuss what The Code means to you and take action.

Be part of the change and receive your free starter kit.

Take the first step in becoming a Fair Kitchen. 'An Hour for Us’ is the opportunity to kickstart the #FairKitchens movement in your operation. Pick an hour in the day, get together with your team, discuss what The Code means to you and take action.