
5 Questions to Unlock Opportunities to Act as One

Creating an environment that supports diversity and inclusion is important for an industry that serves customers from all walks of life.  Here are suggestions for 5 questions to ask your team during your next meeting, from Unilever's Diversity & Inclusion Lead Kamillah Knight.

  1. Do you feel that the work environment is inclusive and equitable?
  2. Do you trust the senior leadership of your organization? Do you think that senior leadership stands for diversity, equity, inclusion?
  3. Do you have a clear view/outline of steps you need to take for your career progression? Are you satisfied with your career development and opportunities?
  4. Do you feel empowered to share your thoughts/feelings?
  5. Do you feel that the organization cares about your wellbeing?

For more ideas on how to start the conversation with your team, check out the Hour for Us guide and share what you've learned on social media using #FairKitchens.